Are there any universities or colleges in San Marino?

Are there any universities or colleges in San Marino?

I’m looking out the window at San Marino’s lovely hills. I’m wondering about the schools in this small, charming place. Are there any universities or colleges in San Marino? I’m eager to find the answer. San Marino is known as the “City of the Thousand” or the “Most Serene Republic.” It’s rich in history and…

How does the education system work in San Marino?

How Does the Education System Work in San Marino?

Being an expat in San Marino, I’ve seen its unique education system up close. Despite being the smallest republic in the world, this nation near the Adriatic Sea shines with a 98% adult literacy rate. It follows the Italian schooling model, offering free and mandatory education from ages 6 to 14. This learning journey starts…